Walter Molli X In Wall We Trust
Airola (BN)
In Wall We Trust is a Street Art and Poster Art festival in Airola (BN). This is my contribution in the edition 2015. The work, entitled “HUNTER”, is a combination of urban architecture, lettering (typographic elements) and figurative. The delicate graphic balance highlights the precariousness of the research based on speed of execution, combined with a desperate search for a reference, disturbed by the urban out-of-scale and by the alienation coming from the exhausting paths sometimes straight and monotonous, oppressive and intricate, or labyrinthine and illusory.
Posters are made digitally reinterpreting some of the paintings in HUNTER / HUNTED collections, and some photographs. Posters are then printed and customized (markers, spray paint). The figurative expression is the final phase of a photographic and exploratory research which later becomes intimate, in an obsessive relationship with the painting subjects, translated into two-dimensional object and re-composed. Finally posters are reproduced digitally, still overwhelmed by the latest cut-n-paste, printed and applied to an external wall, returning to a primordial sequence: exploring, choosing objective, creative act in relation to the territory, photographing to document the act.
“HUNTER” – Spray e smalto acrilico su muro, 2015